In 2006, the “me too” movement originated to provide support for survivors of sexual violence. The movement went viral in October 2017 with #metoo and the wake of stories emerging from Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Since that time, victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and gender discrimination have emerged across numerous industries. Brave women and men from all walks of life have come forward share their stories and in some instances, seek justice.
Clingo Law Group is committed to the #metoo movement by providing consultation and dedicated representation to those victims. For years, Jennifer Clingo has represented individuals who have been sexually harassed, assaulted, and discriminated against on the basis of gender both in AND outside of the employment context. Ms. Clingo has also supported victims who have been targeted and/or retaliated against after making protected complaints and having the courage to speak up. As more victims find the strength to come forward and stand up, Ms. Clingo will continue to vigorously fight for their rights and protections under the law.
The following are some examples of the cases handled by Jennifer Clingo:
-Female professional executive subject to sexual harassment and gender discrimination -Writer subject to gender discrimination while working for an online publication - -Employee sexually assaulted during employment in the photography industry -Teacher subject to sexual harassment by high school students -Various sexual assault and sexual battery cases outside of the employment context -Female employee subject to gender discrimination while working at a film studio
CLINGO LAW GROUP 633 West 5th Street, Suite 2600, Los Angeles, CA 90071 310.409.9331 [email protected]